Thursday, December 6, 2007

Rudy Giuliani -- in 'One Hour'

“I remember back to the 1970s and the early 1980s. Iranian mullahs took American hostages and they held the American hostages for 444 days.”
“And they released the American hostages in one hour, and that should tell us a lot about these Islamic terrorists that we’re facing.”
“The one hour in which they released them was the one hour in which Ronald Reagan was taking the Oath of Office as President of the United States.”
The best way you deal with dictators, the best way you deal with tyrants and terrorists, you stand up to them. You don’t back down.”

1 comment:

*-RUDY-* said...

be' cara Giulia,

sara' in crisi ma sentilo stamattina a Boca Raton... solo una parola... immenso...
male che vada prendera' spunto da questa campagna per preparare quella del 2012... anche se McCain vince non credo avra' la forza di correre per un secondo mandato...